House Concert
• 166B Drummond Street • Ottawa, ON
Doors Open: 7:30PM
| Show Starts: 8:00PM
End Time: 10:00PM
All Ages
Tickets may still be available at the event, other ticket outlets, or the box office.
Event type: All Ages
An exciting one-time opportunity to hear three bilingual singer-songwriters, performing songs and stories in English and French.
Le chansonnier-producteur, Serge Monette, nous propose un nouvel album, son 5e en carrière, intitulé Le diable dans le corps. Serge raconte l’histoire vécue de son père, de sa mère et du patrimoine Nord Ontarien sur un fond musical de country-rock. Né à Sudbury et résidant à Ottawa, Serge est reconnu pour ses textes personnels qui ont une résonance collective. Les textes de l’album sont écrits dans une langue simple et Monette fusionne les sonorités de son parler à une poésie en prose.
Kristine St-Pierre is a Canadian folk singer-songwriter with soul-searching ballads and a rollicking bluesy flair. She received a Canadian Folk Music Award nomination for her album La promesse. She is also a 6-time nominee for Francophone artist of the year by the Country Music Association of Ontario. Kristine has performed across Canada, in Ukraine, Belgium and France as well as several countries in Africa and Latin America. Kristine is a strong advocate for equality and human rights. Released in 2024, her fourth album, Love & Vulnerability, is described "as a magnificent blend of folk, pop and roots with impressive songwriting and song craft."
Paul Weber is a bilingual singer-songwriter, guitarist, storyteller and videographer who has performed across Canada in various incarnations. His high-energy live shows combine folk tunes with storytelling and sometimes video, all presented in a laid-back, humorous way. Paul has won several awards for his music, including in 2023, the Ottawa Historical Society's Francois Bregha Storyteller award. Paul is releasing his fifth album in 2025: Ghost Beer Train.
Event Link: More Info
Cutoff is Saturday, January 25, 2025 6:29 pm EST unless it sells out earlier.
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