Chaucer's Pub
• 122 Carling St • London, ON
Doors Open: 7:00PM
| Show Starts: 7:30PM
All Ages / Licensed
Featuring: Tom Lewis
Tickets may still be available at the event, other ticket outlets, or the box office.
Event type: All Ages / Licensed
Tom Lewis is an accomplished performer and composer, with decades of experience and accolades. He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, grew up in Gloucester, England, and was a submariner in the Royal Navy for 24 years (1959-1983). He is renowned for composing 'The Last Shanty' (A Sailor Ain't A Sailor), ''Sailor's Prayer' (Send Down A Dove), 'Legend' (Marching Inland), plus many other contemporary songs of the sea that have become folk standards, sung by more than 40 groups around the world.
At the age of 80, Tom is still touring widely - whilst also utilising the boon that zoom can provide – even if it is a pale imitation of a hearty pub-sing, so he partakes in numerous musical sessions online, taking his brand of wry humour, his nautical knowledge, and his powerful voice - all of which he loves to share - to audiences everywhere.
One reviewer wrote, “After 24 years at sea; Tom's repertoire—from traditional shanties to songs fashioned out of his own seafaring background—recruits his audience for a voyage by turns reflective, dramatic and humorous; with songs that have become folk standards; known and sung wherever great choruses ring out.”
Tom's recent double CD 'Demand Performance’ (released April 22, 2020) features one 'live' CD with seven extended tracks to compensate for the lack of genuine live performance; plus a second CD with eleven studio-recorded tracks. Downloads of all Tom's albums can be purchased from Bandcamp.
Event Link: More Info
Cutoff is Friday, May 24, 2024 4:29 pm EDT unless it sells out earlier.
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