Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 426
• 707 Srigley St. • Newmarket, ON
Doors Open: 7:15PM
| Show Starts: 8:00PM
All Ages / Licensed
Featuring: Boreal “Songs of Renewal"
Tickets may still be available at the event, other ticket outlets, or the box office.
Event type: All Ages / Licensed
Boreal is the magical musical collaboration of Tannis Slimmon, Katherine Wheatley and Angie Nussey. These three hard working singer-songwriters, each with their own longstanding, award winning careers, simply love playing music together. The brighter/warmer months are reserved for “Songs of Renewal”, a show that combines sun-loving, moon-watching, finger-snapping, heart-touching and deeply uplifting songs.
The trio’s spell binding harmonies, combined vocal prowess and tour-de-force song-writing make for a powerful musical event. With humour, storytelling and heart melting honesty, Boreal takes their audience on a journey of friendship, laughter and connection.
"Boreal is the perfect blend of three amazing talents into one body of heavenly harmony, humour and class! We loved them!"
Ginny Clements (Innisfil Live Music, Innisfil, ON)
“With stunningly beautiful voices, Boreal captures the festive spirit like no other act I’ve ever presented. With exquisitely intricate harmonies and heartwarming stories, Boreal connects with their audience in a profound way. Our show was a sellout and we immediately booked them for next season! Highly recommended!”
George Scott (Songwriter’s Showcase Presenter, Alliston and Beeton, ON)
Event Link: More Info
Cutoff is Saturday, May 27, 2023 12:59 pm EDT unless it sells out earlier.
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