Black Dog Tavern
• 69 Brock Street • Kingston, ON
Doors Open: 3:30PM
| Show Starts: 4:00PM
End Time: 5:00PM
All Ages / Licensed
Featuring: Local Music x Local Film: A Love Story
Tickets may still be available at the event, other ticket outlets, or the box office.
Event type: All Ages / Licensed
Guests: J. Joly, Paul Langlois, James Mulvale, Scotty Taylor
Black Dog Tavern
Doors 3:30pm // Event 4-5pm // All Ages
During our first Spring Reverb (last June, 2022), local film producer J. Joly attended a networking mixer for filmmakers and musicians. It was there, at The Broom Factory, where he first met James Mulvale (aka FASTFAST). The two had never met nor heard of each other before. One year later, the two have collaborated on a hyper-local sci-fi film (Den Mother Crimson) that's headed to Cannes this May (Joly as Producer/Writer, Mulvale as Composer). Often, the film and music communities exist in silos, yet the two sectors have endless synergy. Exploring the film world can open doors for musicians, creating new revenue streams, contacts, and opportunities. And, this can happen right here at Spring Reverb!
This casual conversation will review the Joly + Mulvale collaboration over the past year, while also hearing from other key players like Scotty Taylor (Music Supervisor) and Paul Langlois (The Tragically Hip), two others involved in the wild ride that is Den Mother Crimson.
Full event details can be found at SPRING REVERB WEBSITE.
Co-presented by Tourism Kingston + Bandwidth: Industry Insights.
Event Link: More Info
Cutoff is Sunday, June 4, 2023 2:29 pm EDT unless it sells out earlier.
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