Broom Factory
• 305 Rideau Street • Kingston, ON
Doors Open: 8:00PM
| Show Starts: 8:30PM
All Ages / Licensed
Featuring: Eva H.D. & Charlie Kaufman
Tickets may still be available at the event, other ticket outlets, or the box office.
Event type: All Ages / Licensed
Canadian-born, Brooklyn based poet Eva H.D. is the author of Rotten Perfect Mouth, The Natural Hustle, and Light Wounds (with photographer Kendall Townend). Her work has been called "astonishing, inventive" and lauded for "precisely locating unexpected truths." She was the 2015 winner of the Montreal International Poetry Prize. JACKALS & FIREFLIES is her first screenwriting credit.
Charlie Kaufman is an Oscar-winning screenwriter (ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, BEING JOHN MALKOVITCH, ADAPTATION), director (SYNECDOCHE, NEW YORK, ANOMALISA, I'M THINKING OF ENDING THINGS), and novelist (Antkind). He is the director of JACKALS & FIREFLIES.
The duo will be joining us at the Broom Factory on Thursday, September 14th to discuss writing, filmmaking, and collaboration. Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Wolfe Island Commons, a not-for-profit dedicated to community prosperity at the intersection of arts and agriculture.
Event Link: More Info
Cutoff is Thursday, September 14, 2023 7:59 pm EDT unless it sells out earlier.
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